Treestyles Consultancy Ltd

Tree Surveys for Planning and Development

Where demolition or development are near to trees, the submission of detailed arboricultural information, starting with a tree inspection conforming to BS5837 is a pre-requisite for the registration of planning applications. From pre-application discussions to the final discharge of conditions, we minimize delay by delivering what councils want in a format that is easy to process. We know time is money and understand that success depends on our ability to provide the right information to the right people, as quickly as possible.

Our BS5837 compliant tree surveys provide a comprehensive report for submission with any planning application for homeowners, architects & developers.

Treestyles Consultancy Ltd

Arboricultural services to support planning applications

Green infrastructure provides a range of spaces and assets that provide environmental and wider benefits. Including trees, hedges and woodlands in the planning of new urban environments at the early stage of development proposals allows the consideration of existing assets and the most suitable locations and types for new assets.  We aim to match the site constraints and opportunities to tree requirements on new urban developments which will lead to more successful landscapes, through a combination of planting healthy, structurally sound trees in the right place will maximise benefit while minimising the costs.

The latest Global Information Systems (GIS) will be used with the latest hard and software ensuring high quality accuracy and specialist tree software to allow for clear and concise mapping.

Treestyles Consultancy Ltd

Planning Reports in Relation to Trees (BS5837)

Current best practice guidance for the relationship between trees and development is provided by BS5837: 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. Working closely with other local consultants, colleagues etc, we can undertake all of the stages required to successfully deliver a development scheme in relation to trees, for projects such as new apartment blocks, housing developments, city centre parks, car parks, driveways or the need for specialist foundations when developing near trees.   Our tree surveys for planning services are aligned with the RIBA stages (Royal institute of British Architects) which enables seamless dove-tailing into your design team or architect.

Treestyles Consultancy Ltd

The Importance of Trees on Development Sites

The retention of trees, and other natural features, within new and existing developments, provide an immediate enhancement and sense of maturity to the site and its surroundings, raising the quality of the scheme and enhancing property values and marketability. Where trees are damaged and subsequently decline and die, or where inappropriate design leads to conflict, trees become a constant source of complaint and any positive benefits are lost.

Treestyles Consultancy Ltd

Do I need an Arboricultural Survey?

When the concept of developing an area, whether that be a house extension or a new housing estate, little thought is often given to the trees that influence the area. It is considered that any tree, regardless of its protected status, that is within influencing distance of a potential development should be included within an arboricultural development report and this is vastly becoming local authority planning policy.

If you area an architect, planner or developer and you are planning to develop on land that contains trees it is likely that you are going to need an Arboricultural Survey.

It is often mandatory to comply with BS5387 when considering any development project in the vicinity of trees, whether or not planning permission is required.