Whatever your requirements we have the experience to carry out the right tree assessment for you – a standard approach or bespoke to your particular circumstances we will deliver what you need. The frequency and detail of a tree survey can vary from a less detailed “walk through survey” to a highly detailed “individual tree survey”. Our services are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each client and follow relevant guidance from the National Tree Safety Groups (NTSG). We can provide tree risk assessments & inspections using a systematic approach, specialist decay investigations by producing bespoke documents prepared for the client’s needs, from an individual tree to large populations for private estates, landowners, housing associations, schools, universities, facilities, and landscape management companies or multiple site owners.
The survey information is correlated and recorded using the latest computerised tree management software, GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). This ensures that trees are accurately plotted, and all information is systematically recorded, to produce clear geo-referenced accurate maps and tree location plans, alongside detailed tree management reports with recommendations. which allows our clients to keep detailed tree records to enable forward planning and convenient data capture.
All of our consultants and associates who undertake visual tree assessments (VTA) and inspections hold the Lantra Awards Certificate for Professional Tree Inspections. This is an industry-recognised certification to ensure inspectors are arboricultural qualified and licensed QTRA Registered users & ISA TRAQ Qualified for carrying out tree risk assessments, along with enhanced DBS check for work in the educational sector and healthcare organisations.